Monday, October 8, 2012

The Skinny on Campus Study Spots

Okay it’s time to get real for 2.5 seconds. While college is a great experience that will leave us with amazing memories and friends we will have for the rest of our lives, the main reason we are here is to get an education. And getting an education involves one activity most college students love to hate: studying.
Studying for that dreaded Old Testament Kings test freshman year. Oh joy. 

However, to get the most out of your study time and fulfill the purpose of going to school, an adequate location must be chosen to fit one’s exact studying needs. Therefore, I have created a guide to IWU’s best places to get your study on! No applause necessary :)

Top 5 Study Locations at Indiana Wesleyan University

1. Your roomIf you are looking for somewhere convenient to hit the books, this may be the location for you.
-Ultimate comfort. You can study on your bed, at your desk, on the floor, or standing on your head.     Whatever feels most comfortable to you.
- No worries about bothering people around you. Besides your roommate, you can play music as loud as you’d like, jump around, or sing a song while you study without getting condescending stares.
-Resources are at your fingertips. Highlighter run out of juice? No problem! Reach in your desk and get a new one.
-Very easy to waste time. Falling asleep or abandoning your work for Facebook occur often if you allow yourself to get too comfortable. 
-Desk chairs. Lean back too far and get ready for the scare of your life. This instant terror elevates your heart rate and respiration, making you anxious and unable to focus after the fact.

2. McConnCoffee and a great atmosphere. What’s not to love?
-Coffee right at your fingertips. Knock out drowsiness fast with a $1.25 freshbrew.
-Good motivation to stay on task. I always feel like people are judging me when I’m wasting a precious McConn table to update my Facebook status.
-Lighting and atmosphere. The ambiance has a calming effect that sometimes helps people focus.
-Getting a table. Is often impossible.
-  Music. Prefer to study in silence? Too bad. McConn always has the music up.
-Distractibility. Scenario: you’re super concentrated studying for a huge exam. Your friends walk by. Game over.

3. The Commons. McConn's wannabe younger sibling. 
-Close to the coffee. Not as close as McConn of course, but still decent location.
-Tables are not in high demand. Most days you should have no trouble finding one.  
-Quiet. Unless someone sits down at the piano. In this event, run.
-Terrible atmosphere. The walls are gray. The floor is gray. The tables are gray. The ceiling is gray. How very boring.
-Distractibility. The Commons is a very high traffic area in the Student Center, so prepare to see people you know.

4. The Jackson Library. Land of the focused, home of the nursing major.
-EXTREMELY quiet. Almost eerily so.
-Atmosphere. Makes you WANT to be productive. I don’t know how, but it does.
- Endless places to park your bookbag. Study rooms, tables, and chairs everywhere. 
-No cell phone service in the basement.
-Study rooms can only be reserved by groups. No solo studiers allowed.
-Unspoken no talking rule. Secretly WANT to be distracted by friends passing by? Not gonna happen. 

5.  Shattuck. (Room attached, but not part of, the library). Where the seriously studious roam.
-Possesses same quietness and insta-concentration atmosphere as the library.
-Open 24 hours a day.
-Only one room, therefore space is limited.
-Illegal to make sounds of any kind. 

There you have it! Choose your study spot wisely, and don’t forget to celebrate after pulling off that A on an exam! 

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