I'm officially an adult! I thought, crossing the "t" on my last name. I've done it! I'm young, ambitious and ready to rock real life!
"Do you want me to take your picture signing the paper?" my mom enthusiastically asked, bringing the vision of a more sophisticated version of myself leaving a chic apartment successfully in skyscraper heels to a standstill.
I guess I'm not there quite yet.
But nevertheless, I had a pretty fabulous first week of "adulthood."
This week....
1. I got a new roommate. Her name is Rachael and she rocks.
2. Several new words have invaded my everyday vocabulary including....
-App Assessment (see also gold)
-UFC (short for upfront contract, not the fighting people)
-List building (a little like being a detective, I think it should be called info extraction)
-Cold calling (many I've made are pretty much hypothermic)
3. I learned there are more smartphones sold than babies born in the world on any given day! Shocking it took this long. I mean, babies are great, but can a baby find you the nearest Starbucks?
4. The refrigerator was no match for Rachael and I...we successfully cooked 4 dinners for ourselves! My most creative contribution? Salad with strawberries, cashews, and avocado. Food Network has already called twice (just kidding).
5. We were scouted to be hair models! The lady opened the door of the salon and said, "do you two want to be hair models? Hair cuts and colors are for free!" and we said, "sure."
6. Major adventuring took place. Turns out our neighborhood is overflowing with coolness and hidden gems.
6. Major adventuring took place. Turns out our neighborhood is overflowing with coolness and hidden gems.
7. We time traveled Wednesday afternoon. Back to the early 1960's for a company photo shoot.
8. Nerd Alert: I got a library card! That list of books I want to read has been stagnant for far too long. Hopefully they don't do borrowing background checks....I have close to $10 in fines on my home library card. Oops.
9. I was able to hang with my company compadres on several occasions. So thankful I'll be surrounded by super cool people all summer long. So much talent up in that office.
10. This week was chock full of change. Some have been great, others have been tough. I'm learning that there is so much to learn, and to be humble above all. Comparing yourself to others is super unproductive, and keeping a positive and teachable attitude is absolutely essential. Life is trial and error, stumbling before running, bellyflopping before diving. Above all, I'm trying to remember its not about me. All I have I owe to Him, and it is Him that deserves it all.
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