Monday, October 15, 2012

Effectively Using your Chapel Skips

Chapel can be an awesome time of spiritual renewal. However, six opportunities use spend this hour elsewhere have been allotted to you, therefore you best use them wisely! Here are some ideas to make the most of those six extra hours spent wherever your heart desires.

1.  Sleep. Up late studying for that big exam? Sometimes an hour power nap makes all the difference.

2. Studying. Up late studying for that big exam and STILL don’t feel prepared? Get super focused for a bit and solidfy those terms and definitions.

3. McConn. Sometimes nothing can be more rewarding than sipping on something delicious and feeling rebellious for not being at chapel.

4. Breakfast with a friend. Eat a stack of pancakes and have fellowship with one another!

5. Shower. In the event that you smell.

6. Talk to your Father. Sometimes you just need some Creator/creation alone time.

7. Work out. The rec is a ghost town during the day.

8. Catch up on your favorite TV show. A fan’s gotta do what a fan’s gotta do.

9. Write someone a letter. I don’t know one person who doesn’t love getting mail.

10. Call your mom. She misses you!

Choose wisely! 

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