Wednesday, October 31, 2012
For the past few weeks, I feel like I've been living to-do list to to-do list. I jump from one item to the next like stepping stones, rejecting any activity that unexpectedly arises in between.
However, I'm learning that planning is futile, because I am not in control. I'm learning to rely on my Father to lead me through the day, putting Him first and others second before myself. This can be tough, especially in the busyness of life, but I'm growing to understand what it means to live a life fully surrendered to God. As important as college may seem, it is not NEARLY as important as my relationship with God or the people I love. School can easily become an idol, and I know I have to be on guard against that happening.
I'm so thankful He is here to help me, because I am just a weak little human. Good thing I've got the King of the Universe on my side!
Monday, October 29, 2012
Keeping Track of Memories
Most people, whether still in college or many years
graduated, would agree that college is the prime of life. Because this era and
will pass quickly before your eyes if you let it, it’s important to preserve
the moments that meant the most to you. I believe memories to be the greatest
treasure man can have. However, just like material treasure can be lost, stolen
or tarnished, memories can fade, be twisted, or forgotten altogether.
I have found in my own experiences five methods for memory
preservation that act as high security safes for your most treasured college
memories. I encourage you to pick one (or several) and stick to it! I can guarantee
you will not regret it.
1. Journaling. I began regularly
keeping a journal since my senior year in high school Journaling is a beautiful
stress reliever, and I have loved the opportunity to look back through my
entries to see myself mature and grow in my friendship with the King. I also
love reading about the details of life at different points in my existence and
letting my mind wander backwards.
2. Bulletin board make-ing. I made a
bulletin board over the summer to commemorate my trip to California. Complete
with pictures, mementos, and some cute-ness here and there, my bulletin board
is overflowing with things that trigger fun memories of the trip. Keep a
collection of artifacts to post on a bulletin board of your own such as photos,
take out menus, stuff received in the mail, anything that will bring memories
of your own adventures to mind.
3. Chronicling. Basically journaling
on a much larger scale. At the close of each school year, I always open a Word
document and write about all the important events that occurred that year in
story form. Chronicling can be tedious and a bit overwhelming, but I find once
I start, I’m easily lost in my own recollection of days gone by. I hope to have
my own children read my stories someday.
4. Smashbooking. A little like
scrapbooking, but way more random. Instead of meticulously planned pages like
you would find in a scrapbook, my smashbook is full of odds and ends relevant
to my life all in one place. This includes concert wristbands, old pictures,
magazine clippings, notes from friends and much more. Smashbooking lets you
smash tangible tidbits of life into a book while having a heck of a lot of fun
doing it.
5. Picture taking. My photography
teacher in high school defined a photo as “a slice of life.” Perfect
definition. Take that camera of yours everywhere and capture the people, places
and events that you want to remember.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Favorite Things Thursday
1. K-Cups. These little plastic compartments are the stuff of fairytales. Pop one into a Keurig coffee maker, press the button, and POOF! Coffee appears! Searching for new flavors is a hobby of mine, and I now have quite the collection.
2. My favorite meal. Bacon, scrambled eggs, and pancakes from The Original Pancake house is the best breakfast. I whole heartedly believe breakfast is the most delicious meal of the day.
3. Pretty Little Liars. More like an obsession than merely a "favorite thing," PLL is the only TV show that I have started that continues to hold my attention. Watching the intricate and suspenseful events unfold with the lights off keeps my heart pounding through every episode. The saga continues January 8, 2013, and I may or may not be counting down.
4. Capitola Beach, CA. The tiny beach bum town captured my heart this summer. The deep blue Pacific dotted with surfers contrasted with a clear California sky is an image forever burned into my memory.
5. Starbucks + Target. I'm all about discovering perfect combos, and I think I may have found the ultimate. Sipping my favorite drink shopping in my favorite store made my coffee loving, retail craving heart so happy last weekend.
Happy Thursday!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Life Lately
As my to-do lists grow longer by the day and my feet are in a constant cartoonish blur as I move from task to task, my determination to conquer the semester grows stronger. Just like the infamous Wile E. Coyote never catches up to the elusive Road Runner, I refuse to let stress get the best of me!
Some Thoughts on Life
1. I'm currently praying that God "syncs" my desires for life with His. Some dreams that I once had are shifting, and it is my hope that I am open to whatever God has for me as I continue into the uncertainties of the future.
2. I love the fact that I have two younger sisters. Our age differences (7 and 10 years between me and each of them) I used to hate, wishing that I had a sibling closer to my age. Now, however, I am so thankful for the spunky innocence of those two. They keep me young.
3. Speaking of being young, some days I wish Neverland was a real place. Staying a kid forever sounds prime.
4. Dante's Inferno should not be read before bed under any circumstances.
5. Over Fall Break, I had a pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin bread, pumpkin butter, and purchased pumpkin pancake mix. Hashtag obsessed.
6. I'm super determined not to get sick this fall/winter. I simply don't have time for it, and love my gummy vitamins way too much to not take them regularly.
7. Not a day goes by where I don't miss California.
8. I'm taking Philosophy and Theology in Film as an elective next semester. This was an exciting decision. Does that make me a nerd?
9. Would popcorn flavored ice-cream be good? A little hint of saltiness with a buttery base and real pieces of popcorn mixed in...sounds like a winner to me.
10. Often when I walk to class I'm tempted to stop and pick up extra colorful leaves. They won't be around for much longer!
Monday, October 22, 2012
Wildcat Madness and FNL De-Coded
So the rapid coming and going of Fall Break has left the IWU community drying their tears with the leaves covering every inch of campus, THINKING that the fall fun is now over. However, I am pleased to be the autumnal bearer of good news to bring great joy...
Wildcat Madness and FNL are happening this week!
So toss that tear-stained leaf in the air and turn that frown up-side down.
Wildcat Madness - (WAHYLD-kat MAD-nis) noun
1. An IWU spin on "Midnight Madness" events held at NCAA colleges
2. A celebration of the start of basketball season!
3. An introduction of the men's and women's teams to the students
4. Two words: Contests and prizes.
5. An opportunity to be somebody else for an evening (come in costume)!
6. Fun, fun, FUN!
Basketball season is upon us, and Wildcat Madness is THE event to tip it off! The giant costume party will feature a performance from the nationally ranked IWU cheerleading squad, basketball team introductions, loud music, Wildcat men's dunk contest, and crowd contests for best costume and others, with tickets to the IWU vs. IU face-off as prizes! Wildcat Madness will be held in Luckey Arena Wednesday, October 24th at 8 pm. And it's free!
1. Short for "Friday Night Live."
2. A bi-annual comedy show put on by IWU students closely resembling the famed "Saturday Night Live."
3. A much anticipated IWU tradition
4. An opportunity to expose your doubled-over-abs-hurting-can't-breathe-crying-oh-my-gosh-can't-stop laugh.
5. Fun, fun, FUN!
Despite the name, FNL will have shows both Friday and Saturday night at 8:45 in the PPAC. BUT! If you desire a good seat, plan to arrive at least an hour prior to the official start time. Tickets are $3 and can be purchased in the box office in the PPAC or the FNL table in the Mallway.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Effectively Using your Chapel Skips
can be an awesome time of spiritual renewal. However, six opportunities use
spend this hour elsewhere have been allotted to you, therefore you best use
them wisely! Here are some ideas to make the most of those six extra hours
spent wherever your heart desires.
1. Sleep. Up late studying for that
big exam? Sometimes an hour power nap makes all the difference.
2. Studying. Up late studying for
that big exam and STILL don’t feel prepared? Get super focused for a bit and
solidfy those terms and definitions.
3. McConn. Sometimes nothing can be
more rewarding than sipping on something delicious and feeling rebellious for
not being at chapel.
4. Breakfast with a friend. Eat a
stack of pancakes and have fellowship with one another!
5. Shower. In the event that you smell.
6. Talk to your Father. Sometimes you
just need some Creator/creation alone time.
7. Work out. The rec is a ghost town
during the day.
8. Catch up on your favorite TV show.
A fan’s gotta do what a fan’s gotta do.
9. Write someone a letter. I don’t
know one person who doesn’t love getting mail.
10. Call your mom. She misses you!
Choose wisely!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Favorite Things Thursday
1. Mugs. Because I love coffee, obviously I love coffee mugs. For my birthday, I would love to be given several. My birthday is a mere 67 days away.
2. Sweet Potato Fries. Now at Culver's for a limited time! I could live on these crispy sticks of deliciousness. I wonder if my backyard would support a sweet potato crop...
3. Jon McLaughlin's green tea. The man himself was sipping on that very cup during his concert last Saturday night, and of course I had to retrieve it for him after the show! Meeting him with his half full cup of green tea in my hand did make for sufficient awkwardness, but hey, at least I offered to give it back before he signed it!
4.Yankee Candle's Pumpkin Buttercream. If I could wear the scent of those candles as a perfume, I would. Every day. All year.
5. 101's new stress reliever. And not a moment too soon. It's THAT point in the semester, ladies and gentlemen. Holding fast to my favorite verse in Philippians this week.
Happy Thursday!
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard you hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:5-6
Monday, October 8, 2012
The Skinny on Campus Study Spots
Okay it’s time to get real for 2.5 seconds. While college is a great
experience that will leave us with amazing memories and friends we will have
for the rest of our lives, the main reason we are here is to get an education.
And getting an education involves one activity most college students love to
hate: studying.
However, to get the most out of your study time and
fulfill the purpose of going to school, an adequate location must be chosen to
fit one’s exact studying needs. Therefore, I have created a guide to IWU’s best
places to get your study on! No applause necessary :)
Top 5 Study Locations
at Indiana Wesleyan University
1. Your room. If you are looking for somewhere
convenient to hit the books, this may be the location for you.
-Ultimate comfort. You can study on your bed, at
your desk, on the floor, or standing on your head. Whatever feels most comfortable
to you.
- No worries about bothering people around you.
Besides your roommate, you can play music as loud as you’d like, jump around,
or sing a song while you study without getting condescending stares.
-Resources are at your fingertips. Highlighter
run out of juice? No problem! Reach in your desk and get a new one.
-Very easy to waste time. Falling asleep or
abandoning your work for Facebook occur often if you allow yourself to get too
-Desk chairs. Lean back too far and get ready for
the scare of your life. This instant terror elevates your heart rate and
respiration, making you anxious and unable to focus after the fact.
2. McConn. Coffee and a great atmosphere. What’s not to love?
-Coffee right at your fingertips. Knock out
drowsiness fast with a $1.25 freshbrew.
-Good motivation to stay on task. I always feel
like people are judging me when I’m wasting a precious McConn table to update
my Facebook status.
-Lighting and atmosphere. The ambiance has a
calming effect that sometimes helps people focus.
-Getting a table. Is often impossible.
- Music. Prefer to study in silence? Too bad.
McConn always has the music up.
-Distractibility. Scenario: you’re super
concentrated studying for a huge exam. Your friends walk by. Game over.
3. The Commons. McConn's wannabe younger sibling.
-Close to the coffee. Not as close as McConn of
course, but still decent location.
-Tables are not in high demand. Most days you
should have no trouble finding one.
-Quiet. Unless someone sits down at the piano. In
this event, run.
-Terrible atmosphere. The walls are gray. The
floor is gray. The tables are gray. The ceiling is gray. How very boring.
-Distractibility. The Commons is a very high
traffic area in the Student Center, so prepare to see people you know.
4. The Jackson Library. Land of the focused, home of the nursing major.
-EXTREMELY quiet. Almost eerily so.
-Atmosphere. Makes you WANT to be productive. I
don’t know how, but it does.
- Endless places to park your bookbag. Study
rooms, tables, and chairs everywhere.
-No cell phone service in the basement.
-Study rooms can only be reserved by groups. No
solo studiers allowed.
-Unspoken no talking rule. Secretly WANT to be
distracted by friends passing by? Not gonna happen.
5. Shattuck. (Room attached, but not part of, the library). Where the seriously studious roam.
-Possesses same quietness and insta-concentration
atmosphere as the library.
-Open 24 hours a day.
-Only one room, therefore space is limited.
-Illegal to make sounds of any kind.
There you have it! Choose your study spot wisely, and don’t forget to
celebrate after pulling off that A on an exam!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Favorite Things Thursday
1. ...and that's when I discovered the Loch Ness Monster. She was hiding at the Newport Aquarium (one of my favorite places) all along! I had the privilege of spending my exit from teenagerdom there amongst the fishes last December 17th.
2. The Baby Burks. Bethany and Marissa (Fidge and Mars for short) are my best girls. They'll be standing next to me when I marry...
3. My husband. Tim Tebow.
4. Chicken Curry and Sag-Paneer. This delicious Indian meal tastes much better than it looks, promise. My dad and I always get lunch at the coolest Indian restaurant when I'm home from school. No one else in my family is a fan. Imagine that.
5. Kate Spade. Thankfully, my hometown has a Kate Spade outlet store, which used to feature the mural pictured above. I love browsing their website, pretending I can afford the adorable products. I also plan to be their top PR girl someday.
Happy Thursday!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Autumn Weekend Adventures
Hometowns intrigue me. Like Mary Poppins' magic suitcase, a hometown is a bottomless dot on the map from which hundreds of memories and meaningfulness can be pulled. I love the opportunity to jump into someone else's "dot" and explore, experiencing for the first time the articles of their life that can only be found there.
I spent this past weekend in the overflowing dot of Westfield, Indiana, hometown of one of my roommates, Joelle. The entire week leading up to our departure, we schemed and planned about the places we would go and the things we would do. An autumnal adventure was in the making!
Friday afternoon we hit the road with windows down and Starbucks in hand. The hour drive felt like five minutes as I sipped the first Java Chip frappuccino I'd had since high school and sang along to mix CDs.
The first adventure awaiting us was unexpected, but exciting nonetheless. We paid a visit to Westfield's main rice and fortune cookie supplier for take-out before driving down a hilly country road. Our destination was a beautiful grey house with an orange door, matching the leaves on the tree out front. The house belonged to a couple whose adorable blonde toddlers needed to be sat for a couple hours. We popped in Toy Story 3 for the kiddos before burning our mouths on hot Chinese food, too delicious to let cool completely. The dusky glow of the descending sun kissing the hardwood floors gave the old house comforting feeling, like it was wrapping you up in a blanket that smelled of fallen leaves and bonfire, welcoming you home.
After falling asleep Friday night watching "What Not to Expect When You're Expecting," Jo and I leapt from our slumber Saturday morning to get our day started off right.
The grande Pumpkin Spice Latte with two pumps of caramel I ordered on Starbucks run #2 of the weekend was perfection in liquid form. Coffee in hand, we took off for the Barn Sale, an event being thrown the mom of the kids we watched the night before. Watching the clear blue sky and red and orange leaves waving like streamers weaved through the treetops created a kaleidoscope of light and color as the car bobbed up and down the the hilly road. The day was perfect. Fall had officially made it's grand entrance in Westfield.
I could have left my heart at the Barn Sale. Table after table of shabby chic antiques and crafts lined the walls of the huge barn, spilling onto the lawn outside as well. Beautiful and unique collections of objects were proudly displayed, tempting me to pick up and admire everything I saw. I ended up leaving with a necklace, but only because I knew we were destined for each other the second I laid eyes on it.
Isn't it cute? |
Give up? The Hoffinator is ranch and barbeque sauce on pulled pork on mac and cheese on baked beans on fries: six layers of comfort food heaven.
After lunch, Jo and I picked up our date for the afternoon, her next door neighbor/pastor's two year old son Titus and headed for the the pumpkin patch!
We got to ride in some hay before engaging in the difficult pumpkin selection process.
Once we had found three perfect pumpkins, it was time to butcher them!
Jo and I gutted our pumpkins for the seeds, which we toasted later. So worth getting pumpkin guts under our nails and on our clothes. After the pumpkin execution, we whipped up a batch of pumpkin cupcakes with cinnamon cream cheese icing from scratch. Feel free to let your mouth water.
Once the cupcakes had cooled and the icing set, I had the privilege of sampling Jo's dad's famous chili for dinner with her family. Every college student knows a homecooked meal eaten in an actual home (even if it's not your own) is something to be savored. After scarfing down two bowls, we took the second trip to Starbucks of the day and tossed back undertows (espresso on milk on vanilla flavoring) before I bleached Jo's hair and her dog and finished off the day with the "Bridesmaids."
Church on Sunday morning was refreshing. Jo's next door neighbor/pastor delivered an awesome sermon, and I saw many people I had met the over the weekend one last time. I was amazed at the community within the little church family. The love and willingness to serve each other was so obvious, and I decided I want this kind of selfless love to flow from my heart into my family in Christ as well.
After exchanging our Sunday best for Sunday sweats, the remaining hours of the weekend were spent shopping, drinking Starbucks, and baking batch number two of pumpkin cupcakes.
My two and a half days in Westfield were packed with excitement and newness. I absorbed the smells, the sights, and the tastes bursting from the bottomless map dot like a sponge, my senses scrambling to contain every experience. Though it wasn't my own hometown, the welcoming comfort offered by the perfect blend of country and suburb was a prime place to spend a few fall days.
Total Starbucks trips: 4.
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