Thursday, September 13, 2012

Favorite Things Thursday

I love so many things!

1. Coffee with Friends. 
Kind of like "Words with Friends" but way more fun and delicious. I'm so happy to have roommates
who share my addiction to caffeine! 

2. My inspirational pencil case. 
I love all these words! 

3. Octopuses.
The octopi and I have a complicated relationship. In reality, they scare me, but I love them at the same time. Kind of like how horror movies are scary but people still watch them. However, the octopus pictured above I found more cute than terrifying. 

4. My Journal.
The pages of this journal are filled with letters to my Father. My relationship with Him has taken a deep and exciting turn since the school year has started, and my journal is the primary means of communication with Him. 

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