Sunday, September 30, 2012

Homecoming De-Coded

Ah, homecoming. The word that takes me back to the olden days of high school spirit week, powderpuff, THE football game followed by an evening of curls and corsages. Aside from never knowing if it was one word or two, homecoming had no downside. So, what a pleasant surprise it was to find that homecoming exists in college too!

Homecoming (IWU Style) - [HOHM-com-ing] noun

1. Six days of activities and events that everyone who is anyone will be flocking to campus for (alumni from all over creation will be here!)
2.The best week of the year to be a Wildcat
3. An opportunity to show various athletic teams love
4. Fun, fun, FUN!

Monday, October 1

Time to break out the flannel and cowboy boots. Come to the grassy prairie in front of the chapel between 5 and 7:30 to get your country fix for the day! Wesley's Western Wrangle will feature a mechanical bull, inflatables, free food, horses, and hilarious "old time photo" ops! Come in western wear for a chance to win prizes.

Tuesday, October 2

Take time from another busy week for a spiritual refresher at 9 p.m. in the Commons. EXALT will feature Rev. Charles Beckett (Cheryl Beckett of Beckett Hall's father) as the speaker.

Wednesday, October 3

Did you grow up watching The Price is Right, Wheel of Fortune, Family Feud, or Jeopardy? Love the thrill of televised competition for crazy awesome prizes? If you answered YES to either of these questions, come to the Commons at 8 pm for the Roommate Game Show! A spin off of the hilarious "Newlywed Game," this event promises to deliver laughs, especially with the awkward scenarios I'm sure contestants will face.

Thursday, October 4

Didn't get enough of dodgeball during Res Life Week? Than Thursday is your lucky day. Head over to the outdoor track at 7 to see the fierce competition first-hand or participate if you are on a team!

Friday, October 5

1. Homecoming Chapel
Enjoy abbreviated morning classes before attending the campus-wide homecoming chapel at 10 a.m.! This chapel will be eventful, and hopefully pretty exciting, especially because the balcony will be open!  Round up your friends and head up to get the aerial view of the whole ceremony...chapel...thing.

2. Pre-Coronation
Every year, a male and female are nominated from every class to duke it out (figuratively, of course) for the coveted titles of Homecoming King and Queen; royal monarchs of IWU and all cats in the wild. Come to the PPAC at 7:15 for a free t-shirt and prepare to head to downtown Marion for the crowning of his and her highness.

3. Coronation, Torch Run, and Pep Rally
Get pumped for a parade of epic proportions as important people parade to the Marion Courthouse to crown the King and Queen and rally spirit at 8! After the ceremonial events have taken place, parade BACK to campus for...

4. Bonfire at the President's House!
My personal favorite homecoming event! Our good president will open his backyard to the entire student body at 9:30 p.m. for a massive bonfire with large amounts of free food. Make sure to snag a caramel apple and some hot chocolate before the fireworks!

5. John McLaughlin Live and In Concert
Anyone remember the song "Beautiful Disaster?" How about "So Close" (featured in the Disney movie "Enchanted")? Both happen to be favorites of mine and are both sung by none other than John McLaughlin! The man himself will be performing in the PPAC at 10! Tickets are a mere $5 and can be purchased in the Mallway during mealtimes or in the PPAC box office. 

Saturday, October 6

1. Sports, sports, sports.
Come out and support the athletic Wildcats among us! Choose between the cross-country meet at 10 a.m., women's volleyball 3 p.m., or men's soccer at 3:15 p.m. Don your red and gray and make some noise!

2. The After Party
A brand new event! Come to the Commons at 9:30 p.m. for (I assume) music, dancing, and fun to close out the week!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Favorite Things Thursday

1. My nails. Freshly painted with no major mishaps! They remind me of a starry night sky, or, more specifically, the California starry night sky. California stars>. No question.

2. Brand new Fossil wallet. I think the retail fairy sprinkled vintage fairy dust on my face the day I was born, because every time I walk into a Fossil store, it's like I'm under a spell. The kind of spell that makes me want everything. Therefore, I'm obsessed with my new Fossil wallet!

3. Pumpkin seeds + candy corn. The ultimate autumnal snack combo. Salty and sweet in conjunction never fails.

4. "The Purple Pill" pen. Because I have frequent heartburn. Just kidding. My fat purple pen reminds me of my hard-working dad who has always provided, as well as God's faithfulness to my family. This time last year was quite different compared to where we are now.

5. Cheryl. The woman who put Santa Claus out of a job. My mom sends the best packages! Number 2 on this list arrived in a beautiful brown box along with a new skirt and a pack of spearmint gum on Wednesday. She takes such good care of me.

Happy Thursday!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Hidden Gems: The Unorganized Bookstore

I love hotels. As a temporary home in an unfamiliar city, a hotel offers the tantalizing opportunity to explore. Hotels whisper an invitation to wander the hallways to find something amazing. 

The Unorganized Bookstore in Marion is like a hotel left unexplored. Many have seen it, driven past it 200 times. What lies within, however, concealed from the hum of routine, is a curious haven waiting to be noticed.

The humble abode serves as the hotel for hundreds of sleeping volumes, waiting to be wakened. The selection is vast; comic books and cook books, dictionaries and mysteries, travel guides and words of the wise. Children's books, magazines, CD's, and DVD's also have a place in the tiny shop. Each bears suitcase, filled with the contents of its past. 

Each book once belonged to someone, during some year, somewhere. It could have been bought with leftover lunch money, stolen from a store shelf, unreturned to a library, borrowed over and over leaving ownership unknown. The pages prompted delight or boredom, the stories cherished or discarded. But every book shares one common experience: The Unorganized Bookstore to call a temporary home, a place for some R and R before joining a new owner's life. 

When I walk into the store, a Hotel for Sleepy Pages, I don't see a tiny building full of used books. I see history, I see possibility, and I see prized possessions just waiting to be found.

My last trip to the Unorganized Bookstore yielded some amazing finds! Two books about the love of my life (the city of San Francisco), two National Geographic magazines circa 1957, and a CD composed of sixty minutes of the sounds of Hawaiian surf. All for a mere $8 (hardbacks and media are $2, paperbacks $1) Best day ever.

Address: 3602 S. Washington St.

Enjoy your adventure! 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Christmas friDay

Fridays are typically good days. Nobody can argue with that. Fridays are electric with excitement for the weekend, like Christmas Eve is the "get hype" day for Christmas. But THIS Friday was different. THIS Friday, was Christmas friDay.

Chapel felt like waking up. Christian hip hop artist Andy Mineo spoke on the topic of God's forgiveness, reiterating that we are saved by God's grace alone. Sitting in my seat, with my Bible opened to Ephesians 2 on my lap, I realized I've been in a spiritual wrestling match with the idea of grace. My feelings of unworthiness of God's love had left me trying to work myself into His good graces. The burden I carried by trying (and failing) to be perfect to get God's attention was heavier than my green bag filled with World Lit books (those things are massive). The message on forgiveness and salvation by grace prompted me to finally drop the bag. I've been given a free gift that I could never earn on my own, and this gives me more joy than any child on Christmas morning. 

As Christmas friDay continued, I shared good conversation with two brand-spanking-new friends. Both of these girls have beautiful souls and a spiritual maturity I found refreshing. As I listened to their stories I felt like I was having Christmas-y fellowship by a cozy fire. The opportunity hear their hearts was an absolute blessing.  

I also got two literal presents on this fine day. A new Fossil wallet and hipster skirt were wrapped in a text message from my mama that I received during class today. I was internally squealing like 12 year olds at a Bieber concert.  

I cannot remember a Christmas without sweets, and I was supplied with a tasty treat as my day continued. Sitting at McConn, I heard two of my favorite words called in conjunction above the hum of conversation. Being six feet from the counter, I figured my chances were slim. But when "FREE DRINK!" I heard for the second time, I sprung to action. The concoction? One of my favorites: seasonal pumpkin pie chai. What are the chances!?

After excitedly proclaiming to my roommates and Twitter about my Christmas friDay blessings, we set out to honor a new family tradition: weekend dinner at Casa Brava. I could liken chips and salsa and Arroz Con Pollo to stuffing and turkey, because my excitement level for both meals is probably abnormal. Laughter and conversation sprinkled over the meal adds the perfect final ingredient, and with those stunning seven, the laughter never ceases. 


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Favorite Things Thursday

It's that time of the week, my friends!

1. The Baby Burks. 
If you asked me to name two people I would do anything for, "Marissa and Bethany" would meet the question with no hesitation. I adore my little sisters. I spent last weekend playing Mancala, jumping on the trampoline, watching soccer, and laughing with my best girls. Twas grand.

2. My Fall playlist.
Disregard the name; it was the first phrase to pop into my head upon its creation. This playlist is an eclectic mix of musical randomness. "On My Mind" by Cody Simpson is my favorite today (don't judge it till you listen to it)!

3. Mudslide Flavored K Cups.
And they were only $9.99! I go to bed excited to wake up to a cup of this delightful coffee. Having three roommates with Keurigs makes my life. 

4. Casa Brava.
Located five minutes from campus on the bypass, Casa Brava is Mexican perfection. After downing 12 baskets of chips and salsa, order Arroz Con Pollo (chicken with queso and rice) and prepare for your mind to be blown. Don't forget to snag a few green mints on the way out!

5. Zayn.
The most attractive member of One Direction now lives in my window! You're welcome to everyone who needs a little eye candy on their way to class. 

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hidden Gems: Payne's

Hidden down a random street off exit 59 in Gas City lies a tiny building that boasts of excellent food and eccentric atmosphere. Just a mere 15 minute drive from campus, Paynes is a favorite of both IWU and Taylor students looking for a good cup of coffee, a delicious meal, or a spot to fellowship or study.

The menu at Payne’s, found in a vintage book upon your arrival, is extensive! Breakfast is served at any time of day, as well as a range of grilled cheese and soup combinations, sandwiches, salads, coffee, and ice-cream sundaes.

In my opinion, the best Payne’s has to offer is their “Famous Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup.” The sandwich is served “floating” in the soup! Use your spoon to pull off pieces to eat with the tomato soup for an explosion of comfort food deliciousness.

4925 Kaybee Dr  Gas City, IN 46933

Have fun!

Monday, September 17, 2012

The moon and the stars declare who You are

Last night at this time I was driving through the Indiana countryside, on my way back from a solid 28 hours spent at home with my family. The night was crisp and clear, my headlights slicing the darkness as I drove. I happened to look out the window as the empty fields sped by, and felt my heart flutter inside my chest.

A full array of stars met my eyes.

I wanted to pull over so I could jump out of the car just for a second to marvel at this astounding piece of creation, but an opportunity never presented itself. So I was left to catch fleeting glimpses of one of aspect of God's handiwork that always steals the air from my lungs.

I've never seen God right in front of my face. But when I look at the sky in all of it's brilliance, whether at night, sunrise, or sunset, I get a glimpse of Him, because He made it!

I am amazed that this holy, almighty, powerful God, the Creator of the Universe, the same God who was with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, loves me and wants to be my friend.

What a truly incredible God that is.

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands."
Psalm 19:1

Friday, September 14, 2012

Living for Eternity in a Temporary World

It is so easy to let ourselves get completely preoccupied with the here and now.
In 2 Corinthians, Paul urges us to “look not to the things that are seen, but to the things that are unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:18)
How often do we forget this earth is not our home! Instead of being concerned about things that will matter eternally (i.e. our relationships with God, pouring into the lives of others), we are obsessed with things that will ultimately pass away (i.e. our bodies, material possessions, our own comfort.)

How much better off would we be if we let the eternal take permanent residence in our thought life, evicting thoughts of the stuff the world deems as “important?”

  • My physical imperfections do not matter
  • What I wear doesn’t matter
  • My worldly success will not matter
  • The bumps in the road of life will not matter
….Because it’s all temporary.

I find great comfort in this.

Seize the day! Let your mind be consumed with higher thoughts, and your actions be driven by a higher purpose.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Favorite Things Thursday

I love so many things!

1. Coffee with Friends. 
Kind of like "Words with Friends" but way more fun and delicious. I'm so happy to have roommates
who share my addiction to caffeine! 

2. My inspirational pencil case. 
I love all these words! 

3. Octopuses.
The octopi and I have a complicated relationship. In reality, they scare me, but I love them at the same time. Kind of like how horror movies are scary but people still watch them. However, the octopus pictured above I found more cute than terrifying. 

4. My Journal.
The pages of this journal are filled with letters to my Father. My relationship with Him has taken a deep and exciting turn since the school year has started, and my journal is the primary means of communication with Him. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Forever Young

School starting has stirred a certain nostalgia in me, thinking about autumn days gone by and the thrill of youth. I think most of us can agree that the elementary school years were glorious. Most days my only homework was studying spelling words, and my biggest worry was tracking playground dust in the house. Ah to be a kid again. 

Things I Miss About Being a Kid

1.  Tire Swings. A playground sport. 
2.  McDonald's Happy Meals. Pure joy in a convenient, oddly shaped cardboard box.
3.  FadsBeanie Babies, Tamagotchis, Pokemon cards, yo-yos, gel pens, and ANYTHING that came from the vending machines at Skateworld.
4.  Jump ropes. A recess favorite. 
5.  Packed lunches. My mom was the bomb at making PB&J's!
6.  Cool backpacks. A kid in my fourth grade class had an N*Sync backpack. Amazing.
7.  After-School TV. 3 pm was Primetime back in the day. Favorite show: Arthur. 
8.  Picture books. How awesome was it to open a book and see more shapes and colors than words?!
9.  Frozen Go-Gurts. Do they even make Go-Gurt anymore!?
10. Seeing the world through the lens of possibilityImagination is so under-rated.

Monday, September 10, 2012

SAC Weekend De-Coded

It's safe to assume the close of Res Life Week has brought many tears and sadness to the eyes of IWU students who THINK the fun is over. However, if you fall into this category, dear friend, you are mistaken.

Behold! This weekend is the much anticipated and highly esteemed SAC Weekend! 

SAC Weekend- [SAK-week-end] noun
  1. Two days of exciting activities and events planned by the IWU Student Activities Counsel.
  2. An opportunity enjoy the outdoors before the snow flies (it comes sooner than you'd think).
  3. Fun, fun, FUN!
Friday, September 14: The Luau!

The Luau is THE social event of the semester. Come at 7 to the Hodson/Evans lawn for an evening of free food, limbo, contests, sand volleyball and, my personal favorite: steel drums. Everyone and six of their friends will be there! Ladies, in years past the tennis team initiates their freshman by forcing them to walk around the Luau and collect as many phone numbers possible. Don't be alarmed. You can use a fake name and number if you desire. After the Luau, campus-wide capture the flag starts at 10 at the Luau stage.

Saturday, September 15
  1. Picnic Lunch! Come to the Hodson/Evans lawn from 12-1 for picnic-y food in exchange for a meal swipe. In years past, the picnic has featured chicken, fruit, pasta salad, chips and pop. 
  2. Chalk Art Contest: Show of your artistic skills at 12:30 on the Hodson basketball court. Not sure what to draw? Create a masterpiece featuring a mermaid, a Chinese pagoda, an octopus, or the Starbucks logo. 
  3. Puppy Play Day: My favorite SAC event of the year! Scores of "awww"-inspiring puppies will flood the Hodson lawn at 1 pm, ready to play with YOU!
  4. Kickball Tournament: Re-live the days of gym class glory at 1 on the Evans lawn. Only the strong will survive!
  5. Soccer Tailgating: Come out and support the IWU women's soccer team at the athletic fields at 6! The Wildcats take on the Aquinas Saints at 7:15. Bring a hoodie and your voice to cheer them on to victory.
  6. Movie on the Lawn: Pirates of the Caribbean will be showing at Goodman lawn following the soccer game at 9:30. Don't miss out on the perfect opportunity to snuggle up to a cute someone or other if you get chilly. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Favorite Things Thursday

Welcome to Kate's current obsessions of the week!

1. Paint Chips
I can't get enough of paint chips. I write notes on them, have them Modge Podged to folders and notebooks, and carry them around with me just in case something needs a pop of color.  Above is a photo of the bulletin board on my desk, covered in paint samples with favorite Bible verses!

2. My roommates
I love these girls to death! Life with Bre, Joelle, Addi, Lauren, Sidney, plus Elese and Nicole (not pictured) is never boring. I have been so blessed to have them as friends. 

3. My favorite breakfast
Toast one slice of 9 grain wheat bread until crunchy. Spread on one knife-full of peanut butter evenly. Top with sliced banana and serve with a side of fruit. DEE-licious. 

4. Henry
Henry and I's friendship began when I won him in my first Creative Writing class (which I absolutely adore). I was so stoked. Who wouldn't want to win a rubber fish on their first day of class as a junior in college?!

5. Red Velvet cookie + McConn
Best enjoyed anytime of the day or night. 

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Residence Life Week De-Coded

During the first week of classes, the term "Res Life Week" begins flying around from conversation to conversation in the Student Center, leaving bits of excitement behind. However, this little bug leaves the newbies to IWU scratching their heads in confusion, wondering what the heck is going on.

So, whether you are a positively puzzled by all the hubbub or just want a brief overview of the events of the week, below is a list of Res Life activities decoded. 

Res Life Week- [rez-layfe-week] noun.
  1. A six day span of time during which units from residence halls on campus compete against one another in various activities.
  2. A welcome distraction from the stress of starting classes.
  3. Fun, fun, FUN!
  • Lodgeball: Also known as dodgeball. Teams from each unit (usually dressed in matching t-shirts and colorful war paint) battle it out for glory and fame. Held in the Intramural gyms in the Rec, Lodgeball happens Wednesday and/or Thursday at 7, depending on how far your team goes. Don't care to play? Climb the stairs by the side entrance of the Rec to watch from above. It's hilarious. 
  • Taste of Marion: An event you won't want to miss!  Businesses from all over Marion set up booths in the Intramural Gym and hand out free stuff. It's like trick or treating! Along with freebies, many of the tables will have give aways you can enter to win. Be prepared to write your name and e-mail address over and over. Taste of Marion happens Friday from 2-5. Get there early to avoid the rush, and bring a bag to hold your loot. 
  • Prayer Walk and Worship: An awesome time of fellowship and prayer. The prayer walk is a great way to "be still" and focus your heart after a long week of class in preparation for an awesome year. The prayer walk happens Friday at 6:30, and meets at the fountain. 
  • Bowman Boat Race: Interested in watching brave souls in cardboard boats race in one of the nastiest ponds on campus? Then be sure to be at the Bowman Boat Race! Help your unit create a mechanically sound vessel and march from the Rec lawn to the pond by the athletic fields to cheer them on. The Bowman Boat Race happens Saturday at 1. 
  • Pudding Tug-of-War: Pretty self explanatory. Pull the other team over, or fall into some chocolatey goodness. Sounds like a win/win to me. Pudding Tug-of-War happens Saturday at 3:30.
  • Shatford Gong Show: Have a secret talent? Enter your act in this IWU style talent show! Join with a group, or as an individual, but be warned, if the audience does not approve, the gong will sound, ending your performance. If you are feeling shy and opt out of entering, come and watch for some good laughs! To enter an act, submit an application by 5 on Thursday to the Kem front desk. The Shatford Gong Show happens Saturday at 7:30 in the Commons. GET THERE EARLY!

Look for these papers in your hall to sign up for any of the activities!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Happy First Day!

For us Indiana Wesleyan students, tomorrow is the first day of a great year! Whether you are a freshman or upperclassman, I encourage you to look your Father as you begin classes. For He has said…

You are here for a reason! God has brought you to it, so He will get you through it. Find confidence and peace in this promise! 

A couple tips to make this "First Day of School" the best yet!

1. Smile!
It's a great day to be alive. And you look fetching in your outfit.

2. Don't be afraid to talk to the people in your classes.
A little small talk before class starts helps put everyone at ease.

3. Plan to get to class 5-10 minutes early.
Professors like to start right on time, so avoid being late.

4. Don't be afraid of your professors.
Every professor I have had at IWU has been very kind. They want to help you succeed.

5. Don't get freaked out by the syllabus!
Because syllabi include every assignment and test in the semester, it's easy to get overwhelmed. Just breathe and don't get ahead of yourself. You WILL have time to get it all done. 

Happy First Day!