I don't get time. Part of me is convinced its all a big joke. How else would an hour making cold calls feel like 3 days and an hour spent galavanting around downtown feel like a minute? I think time warps exist. Loosing ourselves in something we enjoy is the time-space equivalent of flooring it on an empty highway, where the not-so-fun stuff feels like trying to run with weights strapped to your ankles.
Today marks the last day living in my humble apartment abode, and the beginning of the last week of my internship. I've been an (almost) full-fledged adult for two months now, and I can say with confidence that the experience as changed me.
1. I've fallen even more in love with what I do. Content creation is my official professional love language. Whether its copy for an eBook, text for a blog post, or a pitch to a reporter, writing in the PR realm is my favorite way to get lost. My biggest PR accomplishments this summer have been crafting a blog post using thermodynamics as the main illustration (just as difficult as it sounds) and landing a story on the company in one of the top 50 newspapers in the country (that one still gives me goosebumps).2. I've learned the science of sales. UFC's ain't got nothing on me. I'm eternally grateful for the skills I've been taught when it comes to sales communication. Talking to people is fabulous fun for me, and practicing how to steer conversations in different directions is something I know will be put to future good use.
3. My dad was right when he said, "never assume anything." "I'm just going to skip the chapter on sales," I thought to myself one day last fall, sitting at McConn with my marketing textbook. "I'll never need to know that stuff." Wrong. "I'm done with Spanish forever," I thought, walking out of Spanish 112 after my final exam freshman year. "I'm good with being mono-lingual." Wrong again. "I can go 85 on the freeway, no problem. They'll never take me alive!" I thought, pretty much every day. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
4. Never stop seeking friendships. In just two months, I gained a new member of my future bridal party. PB&J partners in crime for life.
5. Being one-track minded is way harder than I originally thought. I used to think the ability to only focus on one thing at a time was a positive, but I've learned it is something I'll struggle through the rest of my life. I've found that, in diving head first into work, other things get left behind, like the laundry that has been sitting in the dryer for 4 days and the several internship journals I have yet to turn in on Blackboard. Most importantly, though, I've learned that maintaining a relationship with God in the midst of life's manic pace is a hardcore commitment that takes work. And, to be honest, I've kinda sucked at it. Being intentional isn't optional. I know that now.
Without further ado, let's take a look at my summer bucket list from THIS POST.
(In no particular order)
1. Document my junior year {working on it}
2. Finish freelance "Words and Color" project {Halfway. After trekking back to Ohio I'm pulling it back out of the catacombs}
3. Read books. Lots of em {I've done pretty well. 1984, The Great Gatsby, A Simple Plan, Miss Peregrine's, The Stranger, On the Road.}
4. Make a significant dent in "642 Things to Write About" {Ooo, not so much. I need to get on that}
5. Catch up with old friends over lunch/coffee {Halfway.}
6. Learn a new trick on the trampoline {Not yet. How about....a full!}
7. Train for a half marathon {YES. Significant progress.}
15. Run the July 4th 5K with my Dad {It was pouring down rain. We opted out. Raincheck on that one.}
20. Collect data for my Senior Project {Starting that in August}
21. Talk to Jesus LOTS {Not as much as I should have. So sorry Jesus...we'll be catching as soon as I finish this, I promise.}
24. Carpe all diems. {A work in progress. Always. :) }
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