Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Cabin Fever

Its official. I need summer. Only 11 journals, 4 papers, 2 presentations, and 2 finals stand between me and a little R&R before a brand new adventure begins! Food has lost its flavor, my bed has lost its comfiness, and my ability to focus has been compromised in anticipation of the marvelous day I bid campus, "Sayonara!" This phenomenon, usually occurring in mid-April, characterized by insatiable restlessness is known as cabin fever. And I've got it. Bad.

The cures for cabin fever are few and far between. However, I have found one temporary relief in one heaping dose of a summer bucket list.

(In no particular order)
1. Document my junior year.
2. Finish freelance "Words and Color" project.
3. Read books. Lots of em.
4. Make a significant dent in "642 Things to Write About."
5. Catch up with old friends over lunch/coffee.
6. Learn a new trick on the trampoline.
7. Train for a half marathon.
8. Get super tan.
9. Move into the new apartment!
10. Buy a new professional wardrobe.
11. Explore my brand new city.
12. Learn a new language (Sales and Marketing speak).
13. Write several inspirational corporate blog posts.
14. Cook an entire meal.
15. Run the July 4th 5K with my Dad.
16. Dairy Shed.
17. Tube it up at Dale Hollow.
18. Make new friends.
19. Go to a concert.
20. Collect data for my Senior Project.
21. Talk to Jesus LOTS.
22. Go thrift shopping.
23. Expect the unexpected.
24. Carpe all diems.

(Amendments to follow. I'm super open to suggestions!)

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