Monday, July 1, 2013

Imissionation: Where am I going in life

Thursday afternoon, I had the opportunity to meet with two Indy-based PR professionals who are rockstars in the industry. Wide-eyed and with pen in hand, I tried to make like a sponge and soak up every word they said while scribbling bits of the conversation in my trusty composition notebook (almost identical to the ones sitting in front of them. Take that, iPads).

Like gum to the bottom of a shoe, the advice they offered that has stuck with me since that meeting has been the cruciality of strategy in communication. Every word an organization utters, whether it be on a social media outlet, in a press release, or on the company website, must somehow fit into that organization's goals and vision for the future. You must have a plan in which every action fits. 

So that got me thinking. I found myself rewinding to stormy Tuesday night, grabbing a midnight snack with my best goons and talking about life. We were playing "The Question Game" (probably my favorite thing ever), and inquiring about random things. The question, "What is your mission in life?" came up. Dots connected. The same way a strategy must be implemented into a communication plan really should also be a factor in life. 

How often do I find myself just meandering through the day-to-day, with zero forward thinking and no rhyme or reason to my actions? 

I need a plan. And a mission. And imagination. 

I need imissionation. 

imissionation - noun
1. the culmination of one's life mission and vision for the future
2. an attitude which drives one to creatively seize the day
3. a rejection of complacency as to live life to the full

Here we go.

Main Mission:
To spread the love of Jesus in a way that creatively redeems the broken elements of a fallen world. 

I think sometimes, Christ-followers get stuck in the idea that we must either reject the world completely, or throw all caution to the wind and dance on ice with it. I believe, in following in Christ's example, we are called to engage with culture in a way that redeems it. God is in the process of redeeming all creation to Himself, and if we're not helping that process, we're hindering it. A Christ-followers reactions to most situations are the exact opposite of any old human's. With Jesus guiding you, people will notice a difference. And that is exactly what I want. 

Goal 1:
Put God first, others second, and myself third on the priority list. Always.

Goal 2:
Live up to the responsibilities God has given me in being a role model. 
My family is such a unique and beautiful construction. Being the oldest child (by 7 and 10 years), I'm humbled and honored by the role God has given me in my two little sister's lives. Its something I don't take lightly, because I have a responsibility to set a positive example and come alongside my parents in raising them to be Godly women. Burkhardt Babes for life.

Goal 3: 
Carpe all diems. 
I refuse to let opportunities slip through my fingers. My bucket list gets longer every day, and every day Today, Monday, July 1st (holy smokes its already July!?), I'm the oldest I've ever been and the youngest I'll ever be again (thanks for that, Eleanor Roosevelt). Time to get carpe-ing.

Goal 4:
Lifelong bestfriendship with the King of Kings.
"Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ."
Galatians 1:10

If any word, thought, or action doesn't fit in with the imissionation I have laid out, its got to go. Life is short, people! Live it up.

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