Friday, June 28, 2013

The Modern Apartment Renter's Guide to Neighbors

Do you hear footsteps above your head? What about below the floor boards? Does another front door exist 2 yards away from your own? If you have answered, "yes" to any of these questions, you have building sharers, more commonly known as neighbors. With the world's population increasing every day, space on the good ol blue planet is getting tight (actually, if you saw most of the state of Indiana, you may think otherwise. Fields on fields on fields). Therefore, instead of going the traditional, horizontal co-habitation route, some choose to stack living spaces, thereby creating apartments.

After living in our apartment for a month (our appartmentversary was the 19th!), we've had some time to casually observe our fellow home stackers. I've noted several species of neighbors that I feel are pretty common in most apartmenthoods.

1. The hateful pooch. Our neighbors up one and to the left's little pride and joy stands on the balcony waiting for someone minding their own business to walk by so he can freak out on them. Every time I see that little brown head pop out if the railing I prepare my ears for several minutes of manic barking. And he's not even cute.
2. The sweet old couple. Don and Lisa's front door is a mirror image of our own, minus their "Welcome!" sign and rocking chair (I'm not even kidding). Both always smile "hi" in passing, sometimes even stopping to make conversation! I want to bring them cookies sometime.
3. The angsty dude. Every morning, I see the same guy (about our age) take his dog out, and then again later. Every time, he seems to be in a bad mood. Maybe he's just not a fan of the dog, but some people just born party poopers.

{UPDATE! After this post was written, said dude introduced himself to Rachael and I. He's not actually grumpy, except when his dog eats an entire bottle of ibuprofen.}
4. The chic career woman. Pretty Asian Lady is always looking stellar when she leaves in the morning. I would guess she spends her weekdays working at Saks, as a realtor, or at a magazine. I think we would be great friends.
5. The Rando's. Either some of our neighbors are secretly shape shifters plotting to take over the neighborhood or different people are in and out constantly. Besides the regulars observed, we watch the population of a small country coming and going over the week. The Rando family is massive.

Overall, our neighbors ain't half bad (with the exception of Bob the Barker over there). Hopefully before we move out, I can test my hypotheses and learn more about our fellow vertical dwellers!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Make-shift Pad Thai

Being a regular Asian food craver with very American fridge and cabinet contents, I sometimes find myself in a pinch. In my mind, I have three options behind three doors. Door #1 (the front door): I can go get takeout. Door #2 (the refrigerator door): I can make it myself using what I can find. Door #3 (the cabinet door): I can eat some fortune cookies. From the title of this post, I'm sure you can guess my decision.
You'll need...
1 package of chili flavored ramen
cilantro to taste
shredded carrots (I shredded mine with the veggie peeler)
crunchy peanut butter
chopsticks (absolutely essential)
Sriracha (optional)

Ready, go!
1. Follow the instructions for cooking the ramen on the back of the package
2. Drain most of the water before stirring in the seasoning
3. Dollop that peanut butter into the noodles and stir until melty
4. Add carrots
5. Add cilantro
6. Serve with chopsticks


Monday, June 24, 2013

Pop-theology: "We Can't Stop"

Like many other high-profile Disney Channel alumni deciding to take U-turn on their kid-friendly image, Miley Cyrus is giving the world an eye-full. And, like watching a derailed train hurdling straight for an ice-cream truck, the world can't look away.
Back in the day. 
I was driving along, minding my own business a few nights ago when I heard my trusty driving companion known as "The Radio" announce Miley's new song. Curiosity peaked, volume up.

It’s our party we can do what we want
It’s our party we can say what we want
It’s our party we can love who we want
We can kiss who we want

We can see who we want

Oh boy.

That ice cream truck is doomed.

After some more rhetoric concerning girls with big butts and bathroom lines (not those kind of lines, the other kind), a few verses really caught my attention. 

Remember only God can judge us
Forget the haters cause somebody loves ya

Hmmm. She may have a point there. It is true only God's opinion truly matters. With that said, I find it interesting how easily the phrasing just rolls off the tongue. I don't know about anyone else, but Judgement Day, to me, sounds like no joking matter. In fact, it kind of scares the fire and brimstone out of me. In Matthew, Jesus says we will have to take responsibility for EVERY word and thought and action. Whoa. Thinking about standing in front of the Creator of the Universe, the Alpha and Omega, the Lord of Lords, who knew me before I was born...WOW. I cannot even fathom that conversation. 

How often to I say and do and think things that are not pleasing to God, but I just try to shake off the Holy Spirit because, hey, it doesn't matter, somebody loves me, its not a big deal, etc?

The song continues...

It’s our party we can do what we want to
It’s our house we can love who we want to
It’s our song we can sing if we want to

It’s my mouth I can say what I want to

Miley, Miley, Miley. I hate to burst your bubble, but if the whole world operated under this philosophy, it would have burned to the core about....1,000 years ago.

The idea that its your party, your house, your song, your mouth, so to the incinerator with what everybody else thinks, as well as what happens as a result, is pretty backwards. In American culture, the notion of instant gratification without thought to consequence (see also, YOLO) is a common lifestyle. Many believe that, A. my choices only affect me, and, B. my choices do not impact the future. 

What Miley fails to consider is the law as old as time known as "cause and effect." Actions have repercussions. We (myself included) often get stuck in "the now." It is an easy mindset to fall into, because "now" is all we see. However, in 2 Corinthians, Paul states, "but we look not to the things that are seen, but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are temporary, but the the things that are unseen are eternal." So why are we wasting time doing things that "feel good now" but have absolutely no eternal value? 

One of these days, we will all look back on our lives and how we've spent them. One of my biggest fears is getting to this place and realizing I was a bad steward of time. When I stand before God when my time on earth has ended to give an account, I want nothing more than for Him to smile and say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." 

Where in my life do I need to re-prioritize to make sure I'm not stuck in "today"?

Miley, though I don't agree with your philosophy, thanks for getting me to pause and evaluate life for a second. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

7 Ways to get Creative Juices Flowing

I'm not a huge fan of juice; I always drink apple juice on airplanes and OJ with scrambled eggs, and that's about it. But creative juice is the one type I could just swim in. Unfortunately, however, creativity is sometimes harder to summon than a returned phone call from a prospective client. Therefore, in order to get your brain going and your fingers moving, I've compiled a list of things that help squeeze that juice into a tall glass of productivity.

1. Drink at least two cups of something warm and caffeinated. I cannot stress the importance of coffee in the creative process. If "creativity" were an actual plant, it would be watered with caffeine.

2. Let your mind wander. Being lost has such a negative connotation. Sometimes getting lost in your own ideas is a deep, cleansing breath of pure O2 to the head. Just let one thought flow to the next until, DING DING DING! We have a winner.

3. Move. Staring at a blank computer screen is such a creativity killer. Go for a walk. Go for a run. Do handstands. Hula hoop. Do the dougie. Whatever. Regular rhythms (like running) help clear your head.

4. Chuck the box. "Thinking outside the box" is so cliche. How about tossing the box and running as far away from it as possible. Who says you can't eat ketchup with a spoon? In what country is it illegal to make up your own words? What would life be like if streets were replaced by ziplines? Do you think in a few years people will vacation on the moon?    What if cars ran on water instead of gas? What would happen if rain drops bounced?

5. Read other people's stuff. When I get stuck, I love seeing the manifestations from uber-creative people. It just makes me want to never sleep ever again.

6. Write stuff down. If an idea pops into your head, just accept the fact you will not remember it later. Get it in ink! Or megabytes! Or charcoal! Or lipstick! Just WRITE IT DOWN!

7. Talk to people. Conversation exposes ideas you didn't even know were in your mental filing cabinet. Knock noggins with a pal and all the sudden people will be scrambling for shelter from a massive brain storm raining creative juices everywhere.

Drink up!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

BBQ Chicken Pizza so easy, stranded islanders could do it

If I was stranded on an island (think Lost), and I stumbled upon a BBQ sauce tree and a herd of chickens, I would set up camp and prepare to spend the rest of my existence laying out on the beach, eating BBQ chicken, and hanging out with Sawyer.

Thankfully, the variations are barbeque chicken are endless. One of my personal favorites, easy on the wallet as well as absolutely delicious, is BBQ chicken pizza.

You'll need....
1 standard flatbread (we used the Flat Out brand)
Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce (you can use another kind but it won't be as good)
Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
1 can of chicken breast meat

Ready? Go!
Step 1: Load the flatbread with BBQ sauce.
Step 2: Layer on the chicken.
Step 3: Sprinkle mozzarella.
Step 4: Grill until crust is crispy and cheese is melty.
Step 5: Be prepared to fight off hungry neighbors.

See? So easy you could make one on a deserted island.

Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

7 Ways to Make Running More Bearable

"I'm out," I said to my roommate just yesterday morning, stuffing my feet into my running shoes.

"Ok, have fun!" she cheerfully replied.


"Not counting on it!" I called back.

Ironically enough, I actually did enjoy that run yesterday, which was nothing short of a Monday miracle. I'm about 1 for 14 when it comes to runs I actually enjoy, as usually my morning jaunts consist of a 30+ minute mental pep talk and pretending like I'm not dying when passing other pedestrians. However, I have found a few key "must-haves" for a successful jog that will make the post workout endorphins so much more worth it.

1. A solid pump-up playlist. Without good music, you might as well just sleep in. My tried and true "Get Hype" mix not only helps me run faster, but puts me in a good mood.
2. Don't wear make-up. The uglier you look, the less chance you have of ending up on an episode of Dateline.

3. Drink coffee beforehand. Without a little liquid energy, I can barely make it out the door, much less pounding pavement. If you're not shaking, you need another cup.

4. Don't wear pink. Your outfit reflects your run, so if you feel all dainty and girly, you'll run like a T Rex trying to balance a tiara on its head.

5. Count cute animals. Seeing baby ducks and puppies will help you forget what you are actually doing for 2.5 seconds.

6. Beware of slick sidewalks. Last nights rainstorm + grass clippings = disaster. I know from experience.

7. Don't run in the rain. If you're like me, bad weather puts a damper on an entire day. Instead of spending a miserable time getting soaked, sleep in and take the day off. You deserve a break anyway. ;)

Happy Running!

Friday, June 7, 2013

My "Resume" Part II

A little while ago, I was in the throes of internship hunting, wishing I could include some of my more obscure skills in my resume. Five months later, I'm loving getting my feet wet and hands dirty in the professional world and sprinkling bits of "buzz" while keeping my PR princess tiara straight. Therefore the time has come to update both my actual resume and the one I find both most entertaining as well as totally useless.

Katelyn Burkhardt

Seeking to become a PR princess of an organization in which I can use my education, previous experience and leadership skills to royally manage all communication activities and have a lot of fun doing it. 

Relevant Experience

Fluent in the language of Movie Quotes
-Able to carry on complete conversations using only lines heard via the cinema
-Specialist in character voice impersonations
-Expert in dialects including Bridesmaids, Baby Mama, Hitch, and Pitch Perfect

Sock Bun Stylist
-Perfected the art of the sock bun
Big Spider Trapper
-Successfully caught and constructed a prison for a very large arachnid...
-...without gagging or spazzing out
-Calmed hysterical ten year old

Ice Cream Connoisseur 
-Sampled hundreds of flavors due to indecisiveness and cone commitment anxiety
-Self-proclaimed expert on the art of icy perfection
-Skilled in the art of flavor and mix-in combinations

iPhone Cat Photographer
-Successfully captured the essence of feline model pictured above
-Some say "embarrassing," I say "innovative" (there's a market for everything, people).

Hire me for all my practical and totally useless skills! 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Polar Bear in My Lap

Why is letting go of insecurities so dang hard?

As soon as I start to relax, breathe, get comfortable, the jumbo polar bear that is insecurity lumbers over and sits on me.

Since starting college, I've struggled with the way I see my body. Satan saw a golden opportunity my freshman year when I entered the competitive world of collegiate cheerleading looking to prove my worth amongst a team of seasoned professionals. The more weight I lost, the tighter my new "pet" clung, and the heavier my heart felt. I was stuck trudging through each day with a bear on my back.

I've come miles and miles since that point, and I'm so thankful to God helping me shake off the big ol burden and move forward. However, it still catches up with me every now and then.

Finding worth and fulfillment in something (like external appearances) other than God is such a paradox. I know in my head that true freedom can only be found by giving insecurity a massive shove and being out the door hand-in-hand with the King before even hearing the "thud" of it hitting the floor. So why is that so hard to do? Why would I rather bury my face in the fur of the thing on my lap, holding on for dear life KNOWING that ultimately it will only turn around and eat me for breakfast?

It's a slow process, good people. Starting a new 9-5 job has left me skimping on reading my Bible and talking to my Father a little here, a little there. And Satan has taken this as an invitation to smack the polar bear on the butt and send him back my way.

I'm not strong enough to shove it back out the door. But thankfully, I have a Friend who is.

Time for some re-prioritizing.

{If you have ever struggled with body image, self worth, or any other insecurities, you're not alone, and I would love to have a conversation with you! Leave me a comment and we will be in touch. xoxo}