Wednesday, June 12, 2013

7 Ways to Make Running More Bearable

"I'm out," I said to my roommate just yesterday morning, stuffing my feet into my running shoes.

"Ok, have fun!" she cheerfully replied.


"Not counting on it!" I called back.

Ironically enough, I actually did enjoy that run yesterday, which was nothing short of a Monday miracle. I'm about 1 for 14 when it comes to runs I actually enjoy, as usually my morning jaunts consist of a 30+ minute mental pep talk and pretending like I'm not dying when passing other pedestrians. However, I have found a few key "must-haves" for a successful jog that will make the post workout endorphins so much more worth it.

1. A solid pump-up playlist. Without good music, you might as well just sleep in. My tried and true "Get Hype" mix not only helps me run faster, but puts me in a good mood.
2. Don't wear make-up. The uglier you look, the less chance you have of ending up on an episode of Dateline.

3. Drink coffee beforehand. Without a little liquid energy, I can barely make it out the door, much less pounding pavement. If you're not shaking, you need another cup.

4. Don't wear pink. Your outfit reflects your run, so if you feel all dainty and girly, you'll run like a T Rex trying to balance a tiara on its head.

5. Count cute animals. Seeing baby ducks and puppies will help you forget what you are actually doing for 2.5 seconds.

6. Beware of slick sidewalks. Last nights rainstorm + grass clippings = disaster. I know from experience.

7. Don't run in the rain. If you're like me, bad weather puts a damper on an entire day. Instead of spending a miserable time getting soaked, sleep in and take the day off. You deserve a break anyway. ;)

Happy Running!

1 comment:

  1. I'm really not a fan of running, but maybe I should try your tips!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee
