To some extent, however, I believe time travel is possible. This belief fuels my journaling habit, as I love nothing more than to look back over years gone by and marvel at how my life has changed. By taking photos, writing things down, and collecting tidbits of life as days come and go, I have the secret superpower of going back in time, even if its only possible through memories. God even charges us to take a look back every now and again, just to remind ourselves of His faithfulness.
So without further ado, at this time last year....

2. I had some brand new friends. God ushered these friendboys into our lives at the perfect time! Spring last year was filled with hilarious game nights, football on the roof, Lord of the Rings parties, "homework" nights in Teter, embarrassing 1-10's, and galavanting around Indianapolis in the unusually gorgeous weather. I looked forward every day to getting to spend time with these crazies every free second I had.
3. I was questioning my life calling and contemplating going into Forensic Science. Just kidding! While I enjoyed my Forensic Science lab last spring (that's a real human skull I'm holding, by the way), I was just beginning to grow my passion for public relations. Since this point, my love for the field has only progressed, and I am beyond excited for my future as a PR princess.
4. I was skilled in the art of the snarky note. Ok, so I guess not much has changed in that arena. But seriously, who wants to use a towel after knowing someone else used it right before?! Sick!
5. I barely knew the people who would become my best friends. Last year at this time, I was praying fervently that God would bring more friends into my life. Throughout my time in college, I always envied the friend groups who studied together, hung out on weekends together, ate every meal together. Thanks to the grace of God, I now have one of those groups. Joelle, Nicole, Bre, Sidney, Elese, Heidi, and Kristin, I'm so glad you are now a part of my life!